My solution for bloatware is this: by law you should hire in every programming team someone who is Like, A Guy who has a crappy laptop with 4GB and an integrated graphics card, no scratch that, 2 GB of RAM, and a rural internet connection. And every time someone in your team proposes to add s It like NPCs with invisible pores or ray tracing or all the bloatware that Windows, Adobe, etc. are doing now, they have to come back and try your project in the Guy's laptop and answer to him. He is allowed to insult you and humiliate you if it doesn't work in his laptop, and you should by law apologize and optimize it for him. If you try to put any kind of DRUM or permanent internet connection, he is legally allowed to shoot you.
With about 5 or 10 years of that, we will fix the world.
If you ever feel ashamed of a moment from the past and you think that everyone around you remembers it too and laughs at you, think about how many shameful moments of other people you remember? Not at all. That's because it only happens to you, you clumsy shit.
We often hear from foreigners that Russians rarely smile. We don't notice it, but compared to other eastern and Western countries, we are really less smiling. What does it mean?
1. A smile in Russian communication is not a sign of politeness.Western smiles when greeting someone mean pure politeness. The more a person smiles, the more friendliness he/she wants to demonstrate to his/her partner.A constant polite smile is called a «duty smile» by Russians and is considered a bad sign of a person, a manifestation of his insincerity, secrecy, unwillingness to reveal true feelings.A Russian smile is a sign of personal sympathy, not politeness.
2. Russians don't smile at strangers.A smile in Russian communication is addressed mainly to acquaintances. That's why cashiers don't smile at customers – they don't know them. If the cashier knows the buyer, she will definitely smile at him!
3. It is not typical for Russians to smile back. If a Russian sees a stranger smiling at him/her, he/she will undoubtedly look for the reason for the fun. Maybe something about his/her clothes or hairstyle made this person smile.
4. For a Russian to smile, he must have a sufficient reason for this, obvious to others. This gives a person the right to smile – from the point of view of others. A unique saying has appeared in the Russian language, which is not found in other languages: «Laughter without a reason is a sign of foolishness.»
5. It is not customary for Russians to smile in the performance of official duties, when performing any serious business.For example, customs officers at airports never smile because they are busy with serious business. This feature of the Russian smile is unique.
6. The Russian smile is designed to be only sincere, it is considered as a sincere expression of good mood or disposition towards the interlocutor.So, if a foreigner smiled at you, it doesn't mean anything, he was taught to smile at everyone, and if a Russian smiled, he did it because he really wanted to.
I will tell you, dear pal, a parable that was recently told to me by a mentally ill person. Once upon a time there was a little boy. And one day he was caught by an evil homicidal maniac. Caught, then, raped, but not killed, and left to die of hunger and cold in the city dump. The boy was dying, dying, and then suddenly he took and realized the whole truth about life. And as soon as he realized, he immediately began to glow with all might, just like the Apostle Paul. It all happened at night, and the local homeless, seeing the wonderful light, came out of their lair and found the boy. They took him, put him in the center of their hut and began to worship him as a living god. A week later, something clicked in the boy, and he stopped glowing. Well, the homeless, without further ado, raped him twice each and brutally killed poor bastard.
The moral of the parable is as follows: if this boy was engaged in kickboxing, he would have shoved killer maniac genital organ into his ass that night, and today, sitting in a cozy armchair, he would have read to himself his favorite Artist.
When you watch an interview with a famous person, always remember that perhaps the only thing they really understand is what made them famous in the first place and that's not even a fact…
See, I’m not one of these people who’s worried about everything. You got people like this around you? Countries full of them now: people walking around all day long, every minute of the day, worried… about everything! Worried about the air; worried about the water; worried about the soil; worried about insecticides, pesticides, food additives, carcinogens; worried about radon gas; worried about asbestos; worried about saving endangered species.
Let me tell you about endangered species all right? Saving endangered species is just one more arrogant attempt by humans to control nature. It’s arrogant meddling; it’s what got us in trouble in the first place. Doesn’t anybody understand that? Interfering with nature. Over 90% – over, way over – 90% of all the species that have ever lived on this planet, ever lived, are gone! They’re extinct! We didn’t kill them all; they just disappeared. That’s what nature does. They disappear these days at the rate of 25 a day; and I mean regardless of our behavior. Irrespective of how we act on this planet, 25 species that were here today will be gone tomorrow. Let them go gracefully. Leave nature alone. Haven’t we done enough?
We’re so self-important, so self-important. Everybody’s gonna save something now: “Save the trees! Save the bees! Save the whales! Save those snails!” And the greatest arrogance of all: “Save the planet!” What?! Are these fucking people kidding me?! Save the planet? We don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet! We haven’t learned how to care for one another and we’re gonna save the fucking planet?! I’m getting tired of that shit! I’m getting tired of that shit!
I’m tired of fucking Earth Day! I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists; these White, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for their Volvo’s! Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shit about the planet. They don’t care about the planet; not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live; their own habitat. They’re worried that someday in the future, they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.
Besides, there is nothing wrong with the planet, nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine; the people are fucked! Difference! The planet is fine! Compared to the people, The planet is doing great: been here four and a half billion years! Do you ever think about the arithmetic? The planet has been here four and a half billion years. We’ve been here what? 100,000? Maybe 200,000? And we’ve only been engaged in heavy industry for a little over 200 years. 200 years versus four and a half billion. And we have the conceit to think that somehow, we’re a threat? That somehow, we’re going to put in jeopardy this beautiful little blue-green ball that’s just a-floatin’ around the sun? The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through all kinds of things worse than us: been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drifts, solar flares, sunspots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles, hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages… and we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference?
The planet isn’t going anywhere; we are! We’re going away! Pack your shit, folks! We’re going away and we won’t leave much of a trace either, thank God for that. Maybe a little Styrofoam, maybe. Little Styrofoam. The planet will be here, we’ll be long gone; just another failed mutation; just another closed-end biological mistake; an evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas, a surface nuisance.
You wanna know how the planet’s doing? Ask those people in Pompeii who are frozen into position from volcanic ash how the planet’s doing. Wanna know if the planet’s all right? Ask those people in Mexico City or Armenia or a hundred other places buried under thousands of tons of earthquake rubble if they feel like a threat to the planet this week. How about those people in Kilauea, Hawaii who build their homes right next to an active volcano and then wonder why they have lava in the living room?
The planet will be here for a long, long, long time after we’re gone and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed, and if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the Earth plus Plastic. The Earth doesn’t share our prejudice towards plastic. Plastic came out of the Earth; the Earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the Earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place: it wanted plastic for itself, didn’t know how to make it, needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old philosophical question: “Why are we here?” Plastic, assholes!
So the plastic is here, our job is done, we can be phased out now. And I think that’s really started already, don’t you? I mean, to be fair, the planet probably sees us as a mild threat; something to be dealt with, and I’m sure the planet will defend itself in the manner of a large organism. Like a beehive or an ant colony can muster a defense, I’m sure the planet will think of something. What would you do if you were the planet trying to defend against this pesky, troublesome species? Let’s see, what might… hmm… viruses! Viruses might be good. They seem vulnerable to viruses. And viruses are tricky; always mutating and forming new strains whenever a vaccine is developed. Perhaps this first virus could be one that-that compromises the immune system of these creatures. Perhaps a human immunodeficiency virus making them vulnerable to all sorts of other diseases and infections that might come along and maybe it could be spread sexually, making them a little reluctant to engage in the act of reproduction.
Well, that’s a poetic note. And it’s a start and I can dream can I? See, I don’t worry about the little things: bees, trees, whales, snails. I think we’re part of a greater wisdom that we won’t ever understand, a higher order. Call it what you want. You know what I call it? The big electron, the big electron. [Imitates electronic hum] It doesn’t punish, it doesn’t reward, it doesn’t judge at all. It just is and so are we… for a little while.
Andy came home very unhappy and depressed. All he wanted to do was to eat in absolute silence alone.
— What happened? — the father interrupted his son's thoughts.
— We live like homeless people! — the son answered nervously. — All classmates
have a car, a cool phone and a crowd of whores! And we don't have a fucking
thing at all!
Silence hung over the house. After a few minutes, father spoke:
«Listen,» he said to his son, handing him a mug.
...What is it?
— Just, listen.
The son leaned his ear against the mug and heard a hiss.
— And what? — the son asked
— Hissing?
— Hissing.
— It's soda and citric acid! — Father said cheerfully.
— So what? — the son asked.
After a short silence, the father said:
— It doesn't matter how much money you have, son. Why do you need them if you
have a whole ocean in your mug…
After these words, Andy hanged himself.
Who is Sasha Grey?
— Sir Alexander Gray (English Sir Alexander Gray; January 6, 1882 — February 17, 1968) Scottish economist, poet and translator.
And why everyone jerks off to him? Have they gone crazy, or what?
— We have an intellectual society here, you know.
Myth 1. Introverts don't like to talk.
That's not so. Introverts just don't like to talk when they have nothing to say. They hate chatter. But if an introvert talks about something interesting for himself, he may not shut up for days.
Myth 2. Introverts are shy.
Shyness has nothing to do with introversion. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of other people. What they really need is a reason to interact. They don't communicate just out of a thirst for communication. If you want to talk to an introvert, just start talking. Don't worry about being polite.
Myth 3. Introverts are rude.
Introverts often do not see the point in dancing with a tambourine around social stroking. They want everyone to be real and honest. Unfortunately, in most situations this is unacceptable, and introverts often feel the pressure of social norms, which depresses them very much.
Myth 4. Introverts don't like people.
On the contrary, introverts highly value their few friends. They can count close friends on the fingers of one hand. And if you're lucky enough to be among them, you've probably got an ally for life. Having once earned respect as a worthwhile person, you have firmly taken your place on this list.
Myth 5. Introverts don't like to go out in public.
Nonsense. Introverts don't like to be in public for TOO LONG. They also tend to avoid the difficulties associated with social activity. They perceive information and experience very quickly, and, as a result, it does not take them much time to get it right. They are ready to go home, “reboot” and make sense of everything that is happening. By the way, rebooting is a vital thing for introverts.
Myth 6. Introverts always want to be alone.
Introverts feel great on their own. They think a lot. They are dreaming. They like to develop problems and solve riddles. But they can also be incredibly lonely if they have no one to share their discoveries with. They crave authentic and sincere communication with one person in one unit of time.
Myth 7. Introverts are weird.
Introverts are often individualists. They don't follow the crowd. They prefer to be appreciated for their innovative way of life. They think first of themselves and therefore often challenge the norm. They don't make decisions based on fashion or popularity.
Myth 8. Introverts are indifferent nerds.
Introverts are those people who are initially focused on their inner world, and pay great attention to their thoughts and feelings. This does not mean that they are not able to be aware of what is happening around them, it's just that their inner life is much more exciting and saturated for them.
Myth 9. Introverts do not know how to relax and have fun.
Introverts usually relax at home or in the lap of nature, and not in noisy public places. Introverts do not hunt for thrills and are not adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talk and noise around them, they simply “turn off". Their brains are very sensitive to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Introverts and extroverts have different leading neural pathways. Just consider it.
Myth 10. Introverts can pull themselves together and become extroverts.
A world without introverts would be a world where there are practically no scientists, musicians, artists, poets, directors, doctors, mathematicians, writers and philosophers. It is said that there are many techniques through which an extrovert can learn to interact with introverts. (Yes, now I am deliberately swapping these terms to show how biased our society is). Introverts cannot “pull themselves together” and deserve respect for their natural temperament and their contribution to humanity.
Hundreds of «quotes» by the Hollywood actor, that he never actually said, regularly appear under each of his social media posts. We’ve translated the funniest for you!
As soon as he posts a new photo, Russian commentators immediately rush in and «remember» some «quote» they attribute to Statham.
He has no Russian roots, but there are several social media groups dedicated to him in Russia, where he has become a real living meme. Russian fans respect him for his hard man image and striking roles in movies. Let's see what new “quotes” Russians have come up with for him!
“Three words are two words”
“Better a polka-dot underwear than a polka-dot in underwear.”
“At school, I managed to skip breaks.”
“A weak man looks for excuses, while a real man has prepared them in advance.”
“One head is good, but two heads are good-good.”
“Three words are two words.”
“No matter how many quotes you read — they're all mine.”
“A black streak is always followed by a white streak. If a bad dog bites you today, a good dog will bite you tomorrow.”
“You're not you and when you're not you, you're not you.”
“Saw the sunset? I set it down.”
“Once I went to the gym, the gym machines got stronger.”
“Do the right thing. Don't do the wrong thing.”
“If you're tired of sitting without money, stand up.”
There are also some interesting suggestions from Russians, as well:
“Shall we write a petition for the title of People's Artist of Russia? Or People's Artist of Culture?”
“I would like to remind you that Jason Statham is a great Russian poet, writer and author of VK blogs. It was he who taught our boys to never give up, who left a whole legacy of quotes for all occasions. We remember, we will not forget his contribution to culture.”
Meanwhile, instead of commenting on the actor's photo, some have already just started welcoming Russians!
“Morning Russians. Hope you are all fine”, “Good morning russian friends”, “came to see if the russian comments were still there”
By the way, Russian Instagram users have now also discovered his wife Rosie's social media accounts.
«Rosie, we're with you because Jason is our friend.»
That's right,shit! You can smoke shit, get shit faced, buy shit, sell shit, lose shit, find shit, tell people to eat shit, forget shit, some people know their shit and some have shit for brains, there's crazy shit, there's bullshit, horse shit, chicken shit, deep shit, the wrong shit, the right shit & not enough shit, weird shit, scary shit, up shit creek with out a paddle & sometimes everything you touch turns to shit. You could pass this on if you give a shit or not if you don't give a shit. Hope you have a shit free week. But remember shit happens!!
Some people(not allot) ask me, «Man, your site looks good, where is the people?»
Well, it's really simple answer to that and allot of how I personally feel about it. I fucking hate advertisement. Is it important? Yea, I guess, if you look at statistics. But what about feeling? Fuck feelings? Exactly.
This is what advertisement is, putting a long hard cock on how you feel about it. On TV, constant commercials. 5 min of screen time and 3 min of annoying, cringe garbage they are pushing over and over. Internet is same fucking shit.
* Please «log in» popups.
* Consent to our garbage cookies.
* Videos playing out of nowhere
* Accept out terms and agreements popups
* Unskippable video ads
* Blank on-click window pop ups.
And many, MANY more...
I personally never bought or used anything I see that is advertised. Not even gonna visit a site that is being pushed on me. Fuck that.
We need a scenario where a person who created an AD or a product owner is locked in a room with a TV on, that will play their AD 24/7 for 3 days straight(and that's light). After that he/she will be asked a question about whether they like that product or not? Serve them with their own medicine.
There you have it, why no body is here. Does that mean all of this if for no reason? Nah, there is always a reason…
There is no more True Aikido left out there. In this day and age, what they call Aikido is when two morons try to kick each other in the jaw and break each other’s joints. Or whatever else they do these days; never seen it anyway.
The True Aikido was completely different. It required that you defeat your Enemy without using needless effort. In fact, you didn’t even have come face to face with your Enemy.
Say, for example, your Enemy is approaching you with an axe in order to chop the fuck out of you. But you live in such a dump that on his way there he slipps on a pile of shit and falls into it face down, two times in a row. He gets so frustrated that he chops off his own finger. So who wins? You win! Perhaps you will not even know about the victory, which is victory in it’s best form.
Or else, for example, the Enemy decided to curse you out or harass you in different ways. But your cell phone is turned off for non-payment and you don’t answer the door anymore because some salesmen were bothering you. So the Enemy gets tired of ringing your doorbell and banging on your door, and bites his hand all the way through out of frustration. Here, you win again.
Another example: say you had no other choice but to come out on a tatami, or whatever they call it. The Enemy comes out too, growling. But you just stand there, like, you know, all barefoot, red spots on your hands and sniffing from the cold. The Enemy looks at you and all of a sudden becomes nostalgic about his barefoot childhood, remembers his little creek, a small carp he caught, his bobber and his fishing rod. He is crying now. He is not in a fighting mood anymore and goes home. On the way home — just like when he was little — your Enemy buys himself an ice cream. Than gets sick from it and dies.
As usual, you win again.
Unfortunately, there are no more Masters of the True Aikido left in this world. They all disappeared somewhere. Sometimes you look at one and think he seems like a Master. But he is not. He failed once, lowered his guard, relaxed, gave into a thought for a second. Now he’s been beaten ridiculed and slighted three times and is laying on the tatami with an axe in his back.